Well,..as Fox has 'Posted' pics of His car and as I suggested I would, I took some pics of My car, which although Not astonishing in Qualifying in the 'Inaugural' Aussie Retro F1 race, (see here http://forum.ascra.com.au/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=207, it Sure Drives Nicely and proved to be a rather effective 'Race' car ! More pics from the Race here http://forum.ascra.com.au/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=208
I started the initial build of this car Months ago but was never really Happy with where it was heading and it didn't look like we would be racing them for some time, so I didn't bother finishing it,..
So This Car is Really Just some of the 'Parts' of that First unfinished car and although halfway done on the Friday, was finished almost Just as Fox picked me up on Raceday and I mounted the Body in the car on the way,...lol
Fortunately, it went extremely well, 'out of the box', Even after putting the Centre 'floating' weight back in the Wrong Way round as intended, ... lol
Must Try it the Other Way around to see what it Does !!
Although the car was 'Designed' for the Full Overall maximum Width, (measured with JK Rims), 'On the Night', I ran with a Relatively narrow Front End,..Mainly as I had completely forgotten to make a Longer axle !!,..rofl,..But, it seemed to Work Well,..so something Else to 'Check'!
Weight 126 grams
Rear Track (on the Night with Alpha Rims) about 82.5mm
Front Track (on the Night with Alpha Rims) about 81mm
Main Chassis Width 38mm (1.5")
Wheelbase 105mm, roughly 4 1/8th
Guide lead 129.5mm 5.1"
All the Brass Sheet is .062
Main Rails are 2 x .062 piano wire, with some Bronze .063 wire along rails from motor box.
Motor/Axle mount is an R-Geo 'Narrow' F1 unit
The car (as with all my cars so far), runs a Solid ie; Non Independant front end, but as was my practice Years ago I run with the maximum Side-Play,..(old Habits die hard!,..lol). the car Does use and 'run' on it's front wheels,..well sort of,..lol,..you know what I mean,..but probably More than my usual setup.
The Side-Pans are able to 'Flex' but are Both connected in a 'Plumber' fashion with a Hinge, with 'floating' body mounts. the Centre weight a;so 'floats' somewhat and can easily be changed/removed.
As the axle bearings are so Widely spaced, I had 'Toyed' with the concept of running a 3rd bearing next to the Crown gear, Which I Did fit,..but as the Narrow bracket is a Tight fit, I had Not fitted the bearing as Flush as I could have and had to 'Reverse the gear to Run the car anyway !!,..Doh !,..lol,..so it actually ran with 3 rear axle bearings,..and actually seemed to work extremely well, I might fit the 4th !!,..
Anyway, enough 'prattle', onto some piccies,..
I must say these F1's Are a Hoot to Drive and am rather pleased how My very First F1 chassis works,..as I am Sure Fox is with His !!
As I did Not have time to paint Any of My other TrueScale F1 bodies, (like Fox's Lotus 56 !!), I ran this RedFox Cooper I had from some time ago.
Notably Only 7thou and therefore somewhat Fragile.
I had added Tape to help with Strength etc, but it still has a tear from the racing. 10thou bodies would be my 'reccomendation' !!
Stoo's Aussie Retro F1 #1
Stoo's Aussie Retro F1 #1
- Attachments
- A RedFox Cooper
- DSC00762.JPG (49.36 KiB) Viewed 3809 times
- Chassis, Side
- DSC00747.JPG (39.31 KiB) Viewed 3809 times
- Chassis, Top
- DSC00750.JPG (45.81 KiB) Viewed 3809 times
- Front End
- DSC00751.JPG (62.32 KiB) Viewed 3809 times
- Detail Front 1
- DSC00752.JPG (50.38 KiB) Viewed 3809 times
- Detail Front 2
- DSC00754.JPG (57.09 KiB) Viewed 3809 times
- Detail Rear 1
- DSC00753.JPG (47.75 KiB) Viewed 3809 times
- Detail Rear 2 Underside
- DSC00757.JPG (53.71 KiB) Viewed 3808 times
- Detail Front 3 Underside
- DSC00758.JPG (50.92 KiB) Viewed 3809 times
- Chassis bottom view
- DSC00760.JPG (43.21 KiB) Viewed 3808 times
- Also an Unfinished paint Job,..sigh
- DSC00762.JPG (49.36 KiB) Viewed 3806 times