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Post by keith »

This Track No Longer Exists


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Re: WSMCR-Ingleburn..

Post by WSMCR-Plucka »

Our new Track

Needs to be touched up and the timing system had a spew so we are fixing that and will be running 100% in a couple of weeks.


Re: WSMCR-Ingleburn..

Post by dsr1967 »

wow nice will be over to try it out in the next couple weeks
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Re: WSMCR-Ingleburn..

Post by stoo23 »

Yep,..Looks like us Old Buggers are Gonna Have To Pack Our 'Zimmer' Frames into the Boot and Go on a Long Drive in the Country !!,.. :D :D
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Re: WSMCR-Ingleburn..

Post by WSMCR-Plucka »

yeah lol bring a packed lunch, i make the trek from Blacktown every day and the packed lunch always charges the batteries for that long drive.
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Re: WSMCR-Ingleburn..

Post by SlotBaker »

Had a little play on the track yesterday, with some different cars (Scaley,, Flexi, Aussie Retro) and found it to be a nice track to run on.

A couple of little bumps here and there, but they will settle in with time.

I was able to get my Warmack AR car around white in 5.6ish, and blue around 5.4ish. So I reckon with some better car setup and practice, the fast guys would be doing 5.0s or better.

S16D flexi car went around a smidge quicker, but again, better setup and practice will get that down too.

Do yourselves a favour and have a go on it.
It's fast, with a bit of a challenge into the donut up onto the back straight.
Get that right, and you'll get a good time.

Nice track Paul and Pete. It's great for all cars.
Steve King
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Re: WSMCR-Ingleburn..

Post by WSMCR-Plucka »

Thats really nice to say Steve, we (Hayley and I) appreciate it.

Without Petes help we would have been in trouble.

Least now the track only has a few kinks to sort out and with any luck it will be a heck of a lot of fun to race on.

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Re: WSMCR-Ingleburn..

Post by WSMCR-Plucka »

We have our calender and Rules for our racing on the new circuit track.

We recently painted the fences and the part that had coper braid is now magna braid.

Its been a long time since we have had some real good circuit racing at Ingleburn so we are learning again so be gentle lol.

Stuff can be downloaded here.

We have tried not to Clash with Hornsby as best we can and we can always move things around since we are the new kids in town.

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Re: WSMCR-Ingleburn..

Post by WSMCR-Plucka »

For those interested, the Scheduled Box stock event for tonight (Saturday the 9th) has been postponed until tomorrow (Sunday the 10th) at 3pm.

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Post by WSMCR-Plucka »

SCX NAscar and Vintage NASCAR tonight the 12th of May at 7:30pm.
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Re: WSMCR-Ingleburn..

Post by hutch-- »

I have just come back from spending a pleasant evening at Plucka's Ingleburn track and I must admit I am very impressed with the new track that is set up there. As you would expect with a new track the track is smooth, I could not notice any bumps or bad joins, the braid and contact was excellent and the track surface with the type of spray goo Paul used provided excellent traction.

I went out with Mark Fox and Stooo and we all had a number of retro cars and while the cars were basically set up for the old Gary Johnson track at Hornsby, they were close enough to work well on Paul's new track. Times were about 5.5 seconds with cars set up this way and the track appears to lend itself to higher gearing and a slightly lighter car.

All in all compliments to Peter for his classy woodwork and compliments to Plucka for wiring and painting the track and getting all the electronics up and going.


hutch at movsd dot com
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Re: WSMCR-Ingleburn..

Post by stoo23 »

Yeah,..Thanks Paul, for 'prepping' the track for us.

Once again, Pete has managed to make a really nice little track, that is alluringly quick, (making you want to go faster), that is really nice to drive.

Thinking about it, towards the end, I'm pretty sure someone managed a 5.3 something,..and it IS a track to 'Find'; a LOT of time ans Speed on, so I would imagine times Will drop, much like at HSC.

I dunno' but I always really liked the corner radii or something about the later Area3 track and this New track of Plucka's, is very similar.
They have a feel, like the Early 'American' style tracks, of which Blue Kings were just a Model.

It Does 'Reward' Tidy driving !,..I love the outside lanes,..Red is Great,..but I Love Yellow !!! Turned my fastest laps of the evening on Yellow.
Interestingly, the older car of mine that Also went Very well at Area3, goes very nicely thankyou very much round here as well,..thanks Pete !! ;) ;) :D :D :D

This is a Very satisfying track to 'Get Right',..Racing will be Tough I reckon and will reward a Cautious approach to Traffic and the sound of Cars coming Off !!

Can't wait to Have a Race here !!

We chatted to some of the Drag guys and I saw this person that Looked familiar, but I wasn't sure,..DOH !!,..sorry Greg I should have said Hi !!
Some very Nice cars !!

All in all, a Fun little 'Visit', to a Great little New Track !!

Damn friendly in the RC shop next door as well, which we inadvertently 'blundered' into initially,

Got some Paint I was after and Met an Extremely Friendly Dog !!,..a Bonus,

If you happen to be heading that way you should Plan a Visit,..Heck Plan a Visit even if You Aren't heading that way !!,..ROFL

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Re: WSMCR-Ingleburn..

Post by WSMCR-Plucka »

We have Finally Sorted out our 2010 Plans for Circuit Racing.

As last year was everyones first racing year on the new track we took things pretty easy but this year we will look to have that same relaxed attitude but we will be more stringent with the rules.

A couple of new classes have been added and we will be doing more Enduro events during the year as well.

We will be using the PEC Rules for Group C Enduros and they are in the rule book that you can download at the bottom of this post, we will only be doing Enduros at this stage (it's easier to have 6 going rather than 10-12 straight away), These will be on a Saturday Night once a month, Minimum 2 people teams and depending on numbers either a 3 hour enduro or 2 hour. We have already started to get some interest from racers and we will be putting up an entry form 3 weeks before the first event.

We will be kicking off our racing on Tuesday the 3rd of Feb with a Vintage NASCAR Enduro, Again this will be teams events and then we will be running these once a month (Not Teams events, just your normal 2 minute braket racing) with the SCX NASCAR events.

The SCX NASCAR clas has had a couple of changes made to the class, we are bringing back the 42B only motor rule and we are also having a 7 second cut off for anyone that thinks they can be sneaky and run something other than a 42B, that means if you go faster than 7.00 your lap will not be counted.

We are also running the FX/FJ cars this year similar to the model car nationals rules but most racers will be using Plafit chassis.

GT1 will be back hopfully better than ever this year as well and we will be looking at getting the International 32 cars running as well as a couple of racers mentioned they would like to race these.

Lastly the "Box Stock" racing that we were running last year will be changed a little. you will only be able to race SCX, Ninco and Scalextric at these events from now on, these are still on Saturdays and there are no points on offer for these events, it is just an avenue for new racers to try it out and see if they like it.

We will have rules printed this week and we always like to hear peoples opinion regarding racing so if you have an idea, we are all ears.
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Re: WSMCR-Ingleburn..

Post by WSMCR-Plucka »

Oh, We are still running the Group C enduro as planned as we had a late Plafit shippment come in Friday.

Any questions ask away.

Even though we do not meet "standards" set by some over bearing types, our 6 lane 100mm (ish) track has held some great GT1 events, SCX events and will have some fantastic Vintage NAscar and Group C events this year.

Oh and when i get a look at the Hornsby calender (Gregg gave me one the other day and i lost it lol) if there is a Saturday Aussie Retro Clash ill move some dates around.

Plenty of Prizes on offer this year as well.

Ill also be heading up for some Vintage rounds (when i say some i hope i can make all of them this year lol bar the first one as i am still building cars) and Hayley will be doing the Womp and V8 rounds up there so should be fun.
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Re: WSMCR-Ingleburn..

Post by WSMCR-Plucka »

Well....What a night.

We started the season last week but we officially kicked it off this week with our first points race.

Some many things to think and worry about in putting this race together, How do we do the brackets, how many laps per bracket, what if the two cars wind up on the same lap, what if i have missed a name what if the pc goes bonkers, what if it runs too late.

After all of that, there was nothing to worry about lol.

With numbers up and down during the week, we ended up with 15 drivers.

Hayley took the top qualifier bonus points with a 7.453 and this gave her the chance to start or sit back and watch.

Hayley decided to start on red, which meant she was the first person to run all 6 lanes.

The race got on well and everyone seemed to have a pretty clean race apart from some issues George had with his rear axle popping out twice till we glued it in and Heath (Gunna) having a poor start and then telling us each bracket he is just warming up.

Gregg was next to finish and being Australia 1 the pressure was on him to get some big laps, which he did finishing on 206 laps and so this was what we were all aiming for, Steve T that races at Dapto was the next one to finish with over 200 laps (200 exactly) then myself with 202 and then Gary C with 203 but it was the newcomer Steve (who was or used to race at Armchair) who had one of those runs you can only dream about and he finished with 208 laps and a round of applause was then given to all the racers who did a great job during the night.

We finished before 10:30pm and everyone was asking when the next one is so we will be putting together something that will hopefully match last nights event.

The Timing system worked a treat (if your thinking what timing system, for the money and its very cheap the track mate is fantastic).

Steve C received his NASCAR for winning, Gregg and Gary received their 42B motors for 2nd and 3rd places.

Results as follows

Steve C 208 laps
Gregg 206 laps
Gary 203 laps
Plucka 202 laps
Steve T 200 laps
Steve 199 laps
Hayley 193 laps
Albert 189 laps (Fail)
Troy 185 laps
Dale 184 laps
Bruce 181 laps
Matt 181 laps
Luke 178 laps
Gunna 160 laps
George 154 laps

Now the reason for the fail is after Abert finished his 6 brackets the only words he muttered were Albert 189 laps.....Fail (if you have ever received those emails you will understand) and it made me laugh pretty hard.

Also on the print outs Bruce finished ahead of Matt because he was on the track for a shorter amount of time

Once again, great night and GT1 points racing next week.

This is how the NASCAR Points worked out.

Bonus points for TQ only as i was thinking about fastest lap but you have the issue with another car tripping your time so i will not use it at all.

Steve C 185
Gregg 170
Gary 165
Plucka 160
Steve T 155
Hayley 151*
Steve 150
Albert 142
Troy 138
Dale 134
Bruce 130
Matt 127
Luke 124
Gunna 121
George 118

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