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Retro Nats

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 2:25 pm
by stoo23
Damn !!!

After having written what was I guess a typically 'Stoo Like' and comprehensive Race report, I was attempting to 'Submit' the Report, only to Find the Forum asking me to 'Log In' !!???,..WTF ????

From previous experience, I KNEW this meant that ALL My Work was about to be Lost, and so it was,...So damnably annoying to have spent about an hour writing this up Only to have it all disappear !!!,..GRRRRRRR

Will calm down and Try again to provide a suitable report.

I must say I am somewhat amazed that this happens, as I can leave this forum open for Days Without Needing to Log Back in,..Yet during 'posting' it has done this to me a couple of times 'in the past' and is as you can imagine EXTREMELY annoying !!

Re: Retro Nats

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 8:03 pm
by SlotBaker
Yeah, it's a right pain in the freckle.

I've taken to typing posts into Notepad, then cut/paste into the post.
If the Forum spits it out, you've still got it on Notepad for another try.