YES !!!,......still!!,..???
I find that VERY strange !!
Especially being the Current Retro F1 Title holder,...
I wonder just Which "Retro NATIONALS" Trophies I have are from then !!???,...
The 'Incorrect' information, has even been found on SlotBlog !!
I Have mentioned this fact on the MR forum, some time ago,...but irregardless of Not paying Any attention to Me,..the Race Reports, are 'posted' on This forum and The Aussie Retro site, in fact 'links' and info have invariably also been placed on the 'other' forums,..... including SlotBlog !!
So,'s Kinda weird that NO ONE "Down There",,...seems to have noticed,...
In fact as I am Sure you are aware Geoff
, raced in the 2011 Nationals held at HSC,...didn't you?,..or were they NOT the Nationals,..????,....
Must go and read what's written on All those Trophies I have again,.....