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HSC Retro Calender 2012

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 2:34 am
by stoo23
Hi Everyone,..My apologies for Not having 'posted' this information until now.
The Regular HSC Championship series of races for Retro CanAm and F1 held on the Flat track have been Scheduled for the following dates;

Next Race:
12th May

9th June
14th July
11th August
8th September
13th October
3rd November NSW Retro State Titles
8th December

There is Also regular Retro CanAm races held every 2nd month, as part of the Friday Night Vintage race Season scheduled for the following dates;

Next Race:
18th May

20th July
14th September

The HSC Championships Trophy Night for ALL the various classes raced, is scheduled for:
14th December

Retro CanAm, is also Part of the NSW Regional Championship Series of races and there are a couple of Rounds scheduled for HSC.
Information on the series and the Scheduled Dates, can be found here;
