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Re: Bring back goo

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 12:16 pm
by CAB77
Want goo buy a track and hold a race.

Re: Bring back goo

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 2:14 pm
This is my take on it

Personally I thing spray glue racing is only way we can encourage new people to race GP 27 & GP 7 and lets face it there are fewer people racing this classes.
If these classes are to continue we new people racing them.
The way I see it what happens is new comers race in glue and they can’t work it “how glue a lane and how to get the car to go round in the glue “ They either pop or get stuck”bogged in the glue “ and get smacked and cars get broken not just theirs so then they are brunt of some abuse by the other driver. End result broke chassis or smashed magnets Cost new Chassis Aluminum $125 Broken magnets replacement 20mag $80 plus installation and loss of interest in racing them and think why am I paying good money to get my equipment smashed and then get abused for it . Ninety percent of the reason is the GLUE .
Spray Glue Makes the racing Much cleaner less stoppages and when there is a track call there is good chance the racing will start back up with out some one popping in the glue Causing yet another stoppage !!!!!!!!
The spray Glue Race here December was some of the fastest cleanest racing ever
And it was tight 27’s 1st 773 laps 2nd 768 laps 3rd 761 laps Best total for spray glue 800 Laps more than glue racing by 4 laps
Open’s 1st 982 laps 2nd 961 laps 3rd 835 laps
982 laps is only bettered by one race 1013 laps in glue 1100 is not beyond the realm of possible in spray
I was 2nd with that 961 and was on 1000 plus total but I lost a motor with about 2and ½ minutes to go it ran 7and ½ brackets not bad all be it on 10 ft most of the way and Trev who won ran one motor and they were 5minute brackets
TQ weren’t slow
27’s 2.050
Open 1.768
Both on 13.6 volts
What I do believe though is that the track must be sprayed so that is sticky enough for the speed of the Cars it’s no good if the it’s slippery on the tight turns or you need more ten feet choke in the middle just to get around.
Spray I believe will encourage new people to 27’s and opens something we badly need

Re: Bring back goo / NOT

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 6:50 pm
by ozproducts

Re: Bring back goo

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 6:54 pm
by stoo23
:) :D :lol:

Now where's my Bottle of 'Stick-It' Brown ???

:lol: :lol:

Re: Bring back goo

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 10:29 pm
by Timmy Tyler
I'm with OzProducts: WHAT CARL SAID!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Bring back goo

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2012 10:49 am
by il cavalino
Me Too!!!

We've been running under spray goo conditions in our club wing car races here at King Willys and over at Mobile Raceway for a couple of years now.

We had our first 27 Light race here at King Willys (spray goo conditions) and i'd estimate half of the field of eight wouldn't have raced if we were using goo.

For us old timers down here ie myself, Stuart Bach and Russell Gale who have run on goo all our lives (and believe me that's a long time) goo isn't an issue but for anybody running for the first time the learning curve is just too steep and expensive (broken cars and/or motors).


Re: Bring back goo

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2012 10:56 am
by ozproducts
Goo won't make your car go around

Re: Bring back goo

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 12:54 am
by Pontiac Jack
Geoff and Carl have nailed it.


Re: Bring back goo

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 12:42 pm
by fast_mick
Often now we have split races as we need to alternate marshalls. Ideally numbers in each race need to be the same but what about a racer optional grading system.

B grade race no goo
A grade race goo

Michael T

Re: Bring back goo

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 12:29 pm
by Koford1
“Hide not your talents. They for use were made. What's a sundial in the shade?”

Re: Bring back goo

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 12:40 pm
by Timmy Tyler
Not to be over critical, but I do wonder if the original post in this thread is borderline trolling. The second post by that person would appear to have similar intent.

Moderators? Perhaps this might be worthy of investigation.

{Edit} It seems that his posts have all been deleted. If this post seems to make no sense to you, then it's because the posts to which it refers ain't there no more.

Re: Bring back goo

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 11:15 am
by lindsayb
It seems we are not the only place endorsing spray glue.

Brazil does more spray than glue.

U.S California run mainly in spray
Mid East (the track is now spray)
NY are looking at
Skidmarks have commented with positive statements on spray (Spove)
Kofords track - is spray only

Texas is still glue.

The tide seems to be turning - major races over there are still glue - but not sure it will last too much longer.

Next thing I would like to consider is moving from 27's to 27 lite. Mainly because in my view full 27's is harder to get new people into and I dont think we can afford 2 27 classes.

Be interesting to here some comments on this.

Re: Bring back goo

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 7:39 pm
by fast_mick

yes i agree i have big investment in G27 multi-mags but i think if we are going to run spray goo we should run the spray glue class rules ie G7 Lite and 27 Lite as you suggest.

Both classes have rules that reduce the required racing investment (cost)

Michael T