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Pointscore / Championship ??!!

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 2:29 pm
by stoo23
Interesting to see this Pointscore table appear on the Retro site,

Strangely, although I do seem to remember there being talk of this happening, I guess I had forgotten that it Is.

I must admit that Personally, I am Not really 'Into' ongoing Championship series, as so often it can turn into something Very different to the 'Purely for Fun' style of racing we have been having so far.

I kinda like the concept that there Is NO championship and Each race is Just that,..a Race.

Sure we all want to Win and if it turned out I had Won the Most races in the season,..then Great, but it would be More of just being competitive on the Night and going for the Win like the rest of us.
Championships and series point scores so often seem to bring the Large Sheep Station and ego driven, Win at all costs mentality into the picture, that IMHO does Not Improve the racing and especially Not the Fun, Gets Serious at the Sharp end.

I guess My preference would be for more season oriented, sort of Surprise awards, like for best Newcomer/Young Racer/Most improved etc, that sort of thing
Each to his own, I guess we will just have to see how it goes.

Re: Pointscore / Championship ??!!

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 4:22 pm
by SlotBaker
Seeing as HSC are allocating points to each round, I figured it worthwhile to tabulate them so anyone can see what's happening.

I've done this on my own initiative, and wasn't aware that there was any talk about posting it on the website. So, maybe we can get a consensus on Saturday night to see if it stays or goes.

Bottom line is, there are points being allocated, and someone will win something at the end.

I know what you mean about the competitive crap that some people get sucked into, and I think it is entertaining to watch their antics and what they get up to.

Re: Pointscore / Championship ??!!

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 5:13 pm
by stoo23
Oh I understand Steve, I appreciate your input and effort.

There was No talk of it being posted at all as far as I am aware, I just meant the Series thing.

It looks good :D