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HSC Aussie Retro CanAm &F1 Round 4 2010

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 9:11 am
by SlotBaker
Scheduled to run on 8/5/10.

Are there any results available?

Re: HSC Aussie Retro CanAm &F1 Round 4 2010

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 4:30 pm
by lindsayb
Yes there was a race, I ran a new chassis, did not work as well as I expected. Think it had too much weight, so looking at building one lighter with a higher concentration of weight on the nose.

So next race expect another ill handling beast from me. Why cant we just run wings on them.

Re: HSC Aussie Retro CanAm &F1 Round 4 2010

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 9:47 pm
by SlotBaker
We have results, thanks to Stoo and James. :)

Can Am - 3 minute brackets
263 Mark - Time Factor 4.374
263 Wayne - TF 5.541
261 Dale
226 Lindsay

263 Cody - TF 4.607
246 Stoo
243 Rob
234 Jacco

Talk about close racing, 1.167 seconds between top 3.

F1 - 2 minute brackets
171 Wayne
167 Dale - TF 2.305
167 Mark - TF 3.103
163 Rob
161 Lindsay

170 Cody
162 Stoo
152 Jacco
132 Joshua

Well done Mark, and Wayne.

Wings are for birds and aeroplanes.

Re: HSC Aussie Retro CanAm &F1 Round 4 2010

Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 1:31 am
by stoo23
Hey Sorry Guys,..apart from being Somewhat Busy, I Do have Photos and Had saved a Part race report as a Draft, but Went up to visit Mum, as I had a Window of opportunity, (as I did Not see her on Mother's Day) and had some Work to do about the Place.

Usually have this all done pretty soon, but It eventuated that One of the Files was Named incorrectly so I initially didn't have All the results, When I did I sent them to Steve as he requested.

Gee,..See what Happens When I Don't Instantly Write a report !!,..ROFL

:D ;)

Re: HSC Aussie Retro CanAm &F1 Round 4 2010

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 8:24 pm
by stoo23
OK,..inspired I guess by the fact that I also took some piccies at the Plafit racing the other night, here are some of the Pic's from the Retro race the other night.

I was and have been just a bit busy of late and by the time I could get around to writing a report, the Fresh Memory had gone,,..Hey I'm getting old !!,

Anyway, there are a few Chassis pics here, (something I hope to Make a better Job of doing Especially when New or Good Chassis appear).

It Does Need to be said that Mark Fox really did drive a Fantastic Race to Win the CanAm races, it's Not just having a fast car, it's about Not coming Off and turning in Great Lap Totals, Especially on the Gutter lanes etc.

I guess it should also be added that the Wayne and Cody 'Show', rolls on, as per 'Normal', Especially with that 'Weapon' of a Formula 1 car.

Will hiopefully see some New chassis appearing ,...soon,..ish,..:)

Enjoy :D