OK,..inspired I guess by the fact that I also took some piccies at the Plafit racing the other night, here are some of the Pic's from the Retro race the other night.
I was and have been just a bit busy of late and by the time I could get around to writing a report, the Fresh Memory had gone,,..Hey I'm getting old !!,..lol
Anyway, there are a few Chassis pics here, (something I hope to Make a better Job of doing Especially when New or Good Chassis appear).
It Does Need to be said that Mark Fox really did drive a Fantastic Race to Win the CanAm races, it's Not just having a fast car, it's about Not coming Off and turning in Great Lap Totals, Especially on the Gutter lanes etc.
I guess it should also be added that the Wayne and Cody 'Show', rolls on, as per 'Normal', Especially with that 'Weapon' of a Formula 1 car.
Will hiopefully see some New chassis appearing ,...soon,..ish,..