Some extra Car Pics from HSC 6th & 7th March CanAm's etc

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Some extra Car Pics from HSC 6th & 7th March CanAm's etc

Post by stoo23 »

As I had taken quite a few piccies of People and cars n stuff over the weekend, and didn't really need to 'clog' the Race report with pics, the canAm's looked pretty good I wanted to get some atleast Half decent shots Prior to the Start of Racing/Damage!,

I missed being able to do that with the Group cars unfortunately, as they Did Look Very Much Better at the Start than at the end!,

Sorry I didn't get Amny of the Group C's.

A rather Nice Kenwood Porsche
A rather Nice Kenwood Porsche
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Another Kenwood Porsche, with an out of focus Repsol car in the Background
Another Kenwood Porsche, with an out of focus Repsol car in the Background
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A shot of Some of the Group C cars during Racing
A shot of Some of the Group C cars during Racing
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Just another General View of the CanAm field.
Just another General View of the CanAm field.
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Cody's Very clean and rather Neat looking Winning car, with MikeyB's 'Pink Pig' paintwork 917 next to it.<br />Always had a Very Soft Spot for the Pink Pig,..Cool Mikey :)
Cody's Very clean and rather Neat looking Winning car, with MikeyB's 'Pink Pig' paintwork 917 next to it.
Always had a Very Soft Spot for the Pink Pig,..Cool Mikey :)
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A Very Nice 'Replicant' of a particular 017, with the extremely nice Lola of HSC's that DaleA drove in the Background.
A Very Nice 'Replicant' of a particular 017, with the extremely nice Lola of HSC's that DaleA drove in the Background.
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Andrew's Concours Winning SR3,..Very Nice indeed, with &quot;JJ's&quot; car in the Background.
Andrew's Concours Winning SR3,..Very Nice indeed, with "JJ's" car in the Background.
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Geoff Little's Matich in the Foreground, with What can Only be a 'Lothar' :) version in the Middle, Lovely!, Always Liked Lothar &amp; his Cars.
Geoff Little's Matich in the Foreground, with What can Only be a 'Lothar' :) version in the Middle, Lovely!, Always Liked Lothar & his Cars.
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I 'Think' This is the Car GaryJ ran, with it's Hastily acquired Matich. A rather Nice example as well, just quietly. that 917 again in the background.
I 'Think' This is the Car GaryJ ran, with it's Hastily acquired Matich. A rather Nice example as well, just quietly. that 917 again in the background.
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