Some interesting 'Scale' references and pics,..ans Stuff lol

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Some interesting 'Scale' references and pics,..ans Stuff lol

Post by stoo23 »

Having had a possibly typical 'Obsession' with Many of the forms of Racing Happening in My Formative Years and Extending that Interest to Both Static Modelling and Slot Cars,..(although Personally, I NEVER Tried to 'Mix' the Two Genres!!,.. ;) ;) ;) ), I perhaps also like a FEW modellers, became somewhat distressed by the Lack of Detail,..OR Correct Detail in Kits.

When Younger I Used to 'Drool' over the Many Car Modelling examples exhibited in those Early Scale Modelling and Car Model Magazines etc, as both My own personal Knowledge of Where all those wires actually DO Go and Why, and as I got Older, more skilled / critical etc, I started to want to make my Own Models Look Better and More Realistic.

I mean I never really had any Problems with Kits that 'Missed the Mark' by a country Mile,, I probably didn't buy them,..but it Did annoy me when they got like 99% Close/right BUT supplied some awful Overscale Hose or some Special 'Piece' that was basically 'Crap' !!!,..ROFL,..You all Know what I mean.

It's a shame really that I have now Lost all those Models Including some of the Partly and unbuilt kits,..(would give me Plenty to do in Later life,..let alone the Money I spent,..DOH !),..BUT, Somehow I managed to Retain nearly ALL my detailing 'Bits' from the Past.

Racing 1/32 a bit and Only really Lexan Bodied Retro Cars, Hasn't exactly allowed me to Use a Lot of the Items I have, or Have 'Found' on the Internet.

Although I Have added Injector Stacks To My McLaren M8A and am in the Process of Replicating some Decals for the Retro F1 Bodies I have, along with Injector stacks and Wiring etc,..All I need Now is a Vac Form machine, so I can Make some Gearboxes and Other 'Bits' for the rear End and One could Put together a faily Convincing Car !!

Anyway,..although Scale/Replica Hard Bodied racing is NOT Necessarily My 'Bag' as such,..I Can ... as a Past Modeller Appreciate the 'Effort',..even IF I don't and Probably Never Will 'GROK' why anyone would want to Destroy all there Hard Work in a Slot car Race !!

Heck even My 1/32 Maser suffered the Loss of an Exhaust Pipe (which were in the Wrong place on the Model anyway, But Impossible to Replace), along with One Rear View Mirror, Also Relatively Difficult Or Impossible to Replace.

I must admit, in Some ways,..I wonder after watching and seeing some of the Racing Damage that occured at the recent Group 'C' Race at HSC and also The Recent Vintage Night, so for One thing, I am wondering Just When a hard Bodied Group C Tamiya or similar Kit becomes regarded as No Longer complying with the Rules?

How Does one replace the Parts?,..With after Market replacements?,..You Know, Like Wing Mirrors etc,..I mean I would hate to think that I HAD to Purchase Another Kit including all the effort involved in Building and Painting JUST the Body Only to have it Damaged enough (possibly) in a race making it possibly Illegal/unusable in Future races ,..even after repair.

No Wind up,..This IS just an Honest question.

Asked perhaps as the Rules regarding Scale/Realistic 'Looking' cars seem to make that aspect I guess Obviously,,..Quite Important.

As a Past modeller one can't help but 'Appreciate' some of the Cars one sees Both here and Overseas, with the level of Detail on Some of the German and European examples Being Truly 'OTT' ,...Bloody Amazing in Fact,..But I Honestly Can't and I believe Couldn't Bring Myself to go to THAT Extreme Level of Detail on a car I was Going To Race !!
As a Concours Entry,..For Sure and whilst I am More than aware that some Highly detailed cars Can and Do Go Well, I would argue that those cars will also be Beaten by a car that has had as Much Effort and Energy put into it's Mechanical Preparation on a car less well detailed and arguably Lighter,...but in Reality it Doesn't Matter, People Will continue to do it.

Some of the cars I saw recently at HSC and in Photos Previously of the CanAm/LeMans or Endurance Class or Whatever the Heck it's called, Can and Do have some Nice detail,..but as I and Others have stated I find the Inclusion of Concours into the Racing Pointscore Extremely Odd,..anyway,..

I guess partly this Post was 'Inspired' by My previously stated Interest in realistic Replication of the cars details and having seen the Excellent example of what is perhaps an Unreal Car built by Wayne Bramble,..I was a bit astonished that he Didn't get Maximum Concours Points with the 'Effort' made in replicating many 'Elements' of the real car.

The Two Points decreasing his Points from what Could have been maximum, were apparently because His 'as fitted' Spark Plug Leads did Not Exit from the "TOP" of his 'Distributor',.. ????,..Whaaa ?? and also the way they were 'Curved/fitted', They were above the Body.

Now whilst I Might Concur with the Last reason,..But here also I often Find it Odd that in some peoples attempts at Providing Neat Little Wires From the Distributor, one could argue that the Wires Destination appears More Like the Injector Fuel Lines Than the Spark Plug leads,..Especially on a CanAm, which (apart from Porsche and some others,, Mainly Used BIG Block Yank V8's, where the Spark Plugs Aren't Anywhere Near the Injectors or manifold !!,

Strangely, I have seen Few people attempt to Model Fuel Lines and Throttle Linkages,..except in Extreme examples!

BUT, to CanAm V8 spark Plug leads having to Leave the Distributor via the Top !!,..Ahem,..well I'll Just let the Pictures tell That Story !!

With Respect, that shows a bit of a lack of Knowledge of Racing Engines in General, let alone CanAm and US style Auto Parts!

Look,.I don't want to start a Fight,..but if people are going to Reduce Peoples Overall Race Points by some degree, because of an Ill Informed Knowledge of the Replicated Detail,..then For MY Money,..something is Wrong with that !!,..I'd be Hopping Mad !!! Especially if I KNEW My Model Replicated an 'As Raced' car !!

Perhaps the Best and arguably Unarguable Method, to 'Provide Photos' of the car/model/series of car you are trying to Replicate.
With the Internet, That Isn't All that Hard to do,..and Heck If I was trying to Replicate a real car, then I sure would go Looking for Reference material, so I could make it Look 'More Correct'.

In thinking of that,..What IS the Go, with All the Dark Blue Surtees cars with the White Team Surtees Stripes T160/2/3's or whatever those bodies are supposed to represent? I have many Photos and references of the RED version but have Never actually Seen a Real Photo of that Car, at a Race meeting.
Can anyone Provide Further Info regarding that Example of the Surtees ? As far as I am aware it Never raced in the US CanAm Rounds, Did it Race in the UK or in Interserie ???,..Hmmm,..I Must ask PDL,.. :)
Just Wondering, for My Own Interest,..apart from making a CanAm car Replicating that car somewhat Questionable Under the 'Spirit' of the Rules!,

There is a Wealth of info Stories, Books and Photos out there JUST on CanAm,..heck I have a Hard drive almost Filled with it.

Perhaps I/We/People can use this thread to Post Interesting and Useful Reference examples and materials, of Real cars and Places to get Parts to Help in Replicating Same.

Whilst I have always been a Mark Donohue Fan and Love his "Unfair Advantage" attitude, certainly Can't Hurt providing info to help make it easier for people to make even Better cars !!,.. :D Or perhaps,..even Make Cars ;) ;)

So in regard to all of the above, and whilst I am an ARDENT supporter of the 'Support Your Local Raceway' concept, sometimes it's Good to Get bits that aren't generally available and May Not be due to the Limited Sales some of those Items would generate for a Wholesale or Retail supplier.

Although Many of you May be aware of these sites,..many may Not and are just some I have found that have interesting Stuff, Especially for 1/24th

These are Just Some, I am Sure there are Heaps More,..Please add to it with Words Pictures and Links if you have anything of Interest.

Jens Scale Racing ... nWg1_gB_dw

Strada Sports


F1 Specialities

Plus a Great little South Australian Company that some of Our Queensland Friends are aware of ;) :)

The Parts Box

Oh and here is Another 'link', These Guys have some Nice 'Lighting Kits' and stuff like that, Plus a Nice Range of Identical BUT Lighter Replacement Interiors, for Many Ninco, Carrera and Scalextric Cars,..Worth a Look!, but Mainly 1/32 scale.

OH Yeah,..and here is an Interesting Forum, that makes for some Fantastic reading and is a Great Source for The Truth !!,
Many of the REAL Racers of the Day Frequent this Forum, so one can Often Get the answers you Need, .."From the Horses Mouth" as it were.
The Atlas F1 Bulletin Board
Things like The Correct Matich and McLaren colours etc have had discussions of Great Length !!,
Check it out,..

There are many others,..I will try and add to them as I find them either in My 'Messy' Bookmarks or whatever,..Please Add Others.

I am Sure Any articles on Detailing that are suitable could Also Be of Interest.
having seen some of the Beautifully and Unbelievably Accurate Model Dragsters at PLUCKA's, I am sure there are some amongst us that Could 'Blow Us Away' with Their Detail and Realism !!

I'll add some of My Can Am References as well.

Here's some Pics !!

McLaren M6a
McLaren M6a
67_McLaren_M6-A1_DV-06_0Eng-01.jpg (76.95 KiB) Viewed 9048 times
McLaren M8B
McLaren M8B
m8b-8.jpg (23.29 KiB) Viewed 9048 times
1974 AVS Shadow DN4
1974 AVS Shadow DN4
74_AVS_Shadow_DN4_DV-06-BnB_e01.jpg (96.88 KiB) Viewed 9047 times
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Re: Some interesting 'Scale' references and pics,..ans Stuff lol

Post by chadly »

Petrol is for cleaning parts
Alcohol is for drinking
Nitro is for racing
Slotcars are for going VERY quick!
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Re: Some interesting 'Scale' references and pics,..ans Stuff lol

Post by stoo23 »

Yeah,..Huge Trumpets Like that Are Waaay Cool aren't they?

There is a Wealth of Pics to be found at

Just one of Many useful 'sites'.


Re: Some interesting 'Scale' references and pics,..ans Stuff lol

Post by PaulNZ »


some great references....thanks!
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Re: Some interesting 'Scale' references and pics,..ans Stuff

Post by stoo23 »

Hey Look,..Just a bit of a 'Wind Up' here,..BUT,..In the Best of Intentions.

Thing Is with these Detailed Bodies I keep seeing,..whether from Here By Wayne OR Many others,..Including Many,..(But NOT All), similar cars from both the States And Europe,..but I KEEP Seeing this Wonderful 'Added' Detail Wiring of the Top of the Motor,..with 'Invariably', the Spark Plug Leads, being 'Wired Up' Like they are actually the Fuel Lines !!!

In fact when utilising the Resin Base from local Adelaide company 'The Parts Box', such as has been used by Wayne in many of the bodies he has made, along with others, one can see Already Molded Into the Resin Base, the actual Fuel Line 'Layout'. !!
Obviously, the Fuel lines, if made of metal tubing in Real life, are Quite Thin, compared to Spark Plug HT leads,..PLUS, with ONLY One or two Very Notable exceptions, ALL Motors used in the CanAm series, were Big Fat Yankie Pushrod Motors of Extremely Large capacity and in case you haven't had a Good Look at one of Late, there Ain't NO Spark Plugs up near the Top of the Motor !!

Just like your Big V8 Family Sedan, the Plugs are Hidden way down Below the Rocker Covers of the Motor, Near the Exhaust Outlets of the Heads.

So I ponder, to Why So Many 'Modellers' often Quite 'Bent' on Scale realism,...seem to 'Accept' this Standard of 'Wiring' as acceptable, within the Concours Framework,..Let alone the personal 'Desire' to Accurately Model the Car,..'as Raced'.

I am in No way trying to put 'Shite' on Anyone here,..but IMHO, is an Annoying and Blatantly Incorrect 'Detail'

Here's a good shot of an Olds motor on a McKee with Very Neatly Detailed Wiring that Could also be Replicated by Parts from 'The Parts Box'

I do have many others if People want, but it isn't that hard to find this stuff on the net,..

Am I alone in finding this Both rather Odd and slightly annoying ???

Hell, you wouldn't want Me as the Concours Judge !!!,...ROFL

Oh,..just one Other thing,..may I say I also find it Odd that Detail Screens are Often Added on Radiator Outlets !!,..Hmmm,..On the Inlet side perhaps, but Rarely Needed 'After' the Radiator !!,,..If the stone has made it That far,..she's a Coming Through !!!,..ROFL It would be More Ideal to have perhaps a Styrene vac form of a Radiator to 'Fit' at an Appropriate Angle,..would certainly look More realistic to Me !!!


Also would be great to see some Lexan/styrene Hewland Gearboxes and Oil Tanks etc,..One always needs a Good looking rear End !!!,.. :D :D

I Guess one Should just Wire it up so that the 'Dissie' Wires just Dis-appear under the Body Work.

Found another good shot of an M12, which clearly shows Fuel and other wiring.
McLaren M12 engine bay
McLaren M12 engine bay
McLaren M12 motorSml.jpg (183.29 KiB) Viewed 8805 times
McKee Olds
McKee Olds
mckee6po.jpg (38.05 KiB) Viewed 8810 times
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