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Front Wheels
Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2018 1:34 pm
by brady
Hello Gents.I would like you all to consider a small rule change for Can-Am front wheels.The reason I ask is because I think the bodies we use are not suitable for the rules in place.I find I have to remove to much material from the side to form the wheel arch which weakens the body at the top of the arch which in turn causes a split.This I feel ruins the body prematurely.A move to F1 size fronts would help this problem.As usual I go with the majority outcome and only ask for your consideration and opinion on this. And yes I do reinforce the arch and realise it would only be practicle for new builds .Would like to hear your opinions.Regards Brad..
Re: Front Wheels
Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2018 8:50 pm
by SlotBaker
I vote no, to the suggested rule change.
Re: Front Wheels
Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2018 9:05 pm
by brady
May I ask why Steve.Or can you give me some tips on this.Thanks Brad.
Re: Front Wheels
Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2018 11:25 pm
by SlotBaker
Brad, the regs have been in use for 10 years, and doesn't appear to have been a concern all that time, plus there are plenty of good bodies that work with the existing wheel size.
The rule set was structured around cars that were raced in the USA prior to 1970, hence the Retro tag.
The cars built around that time looked good, somewhat realistic to the real thing, albeit squashed and widened a bit to enhance handling, but they still looked reasonably well proportioned.
By changing the Can Am fronts to smaller dia, I think the cars would look bad.
In fact, I'd rather see the F1 wheels get bigger to make them more realistic, but I'm not putting that forward as a proposal!
Seeing it has been a reasonably successful format around the world (USA, UK, Japan, Aus) for all that time, I don't feel there is any real justification to change.
When I'm thinking about entering any competition, I like to go through the rules/regulations and decide if I want to participate or not. If I decide to participate, I work with those rules. If I don't like those rules, I would usually not join in.
Of course, as time goes by things may change that could justify a re-think of the rules, such as we did with motors, but in this case, I don't feel a change is warranted.
What do others think???
Re: Front Wheels
Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2018 4:00 pm
by neiljb
Gotta love a rules debate.
Steve, the rules are not broken so we don't need fixing them. Agree
Brad, I do see your point about making the bodies live longer. Agree
How is that for fence siting!!
What about a smaller change? Mask the front arches clear, to keep the body integrity. I also reinforce above the cut out arch, but this where nearly all my bodies fail. Definitely must have fronts that can be easily seen! So a big mask is needed.
Change the rule, don't change the rule - I'll still turn up as often as I can.
Re: Front Wheels
Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2018 4:19 pm
by brady
Thanks for responding Gents.Steve,Iam not being disrespectfull but the looks department and the rulebook are not motivation for me to race slot cars.Just so you know where I stand on those points
.I have my own rule,it doesnt matter what the rules are as long as their the same for everybody but every now then practicality might creep in to my thinking.This isnt a mission for me just a reqest.Thanks for your input.Brad.
Re: Front Wheels
Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2018 4:50 pm
by stoo23
Hey Hi guys and Brad,.. Hmm,.. Yeah,.. I must admit I am also Not too sure regarding any possible Change to the Rules regarding the Front Wheels AND/OR Body Mod's as such, although I DO understand your concerns etc
it Is I guess just one of those Unfortunate Slot Car racing 'issues' that are in many ways perhaps simply Inevitable.
Mind you the Type and Style of Body Does make a difference, regarding the Amount of Body Height and thickness in that area.
As we know, Not ALL bodies are created equally,...
,.. such as How Thin the various RedFox bodies can be, let alone the Variable thickness of some of the Outasight bodies,.. Compared to say the Quality of many of the Parma and Much lamented and currently 'Unobtanium' "TrueScale" bodies.
To be honest I Wasn't really all that keen on the change to the F1 rules, as I'm not sure they 'Look' all that good, but seems to have worked out OK,.. I guess. (Mine are ALL still built to the Previous Spec's), but as I Now have quite a few sets of tyres that are too small for CanAm, may have to build one suitable for the Smaller rears
(Can see I am going to have to spend some time Sorting Tyres and Time spent Grinding/re-sizing them.
I must admit, I Don't normally go to a Lot of Bother trying to Reinforce the Bodies or Wheel Arches as such, (although I Have occasionally run some Tape Up the Inside Front of the Longer 'Kirby' Ti's to perhaps Reduce 'Droop'), but have not really found it to have much Useful Effect in that specific regard and in fact would actually have to seriously Question whether Any amount of re-inforcement to the Body/Wheel Arch is Particularly useful in Stopping the eventual Damage/Cracking /splitting of the Body Above the front wheel Cut-out, that the Kind of Serious Front end 'Bingle' Will eventually cause.
In fact it May actually NOT Help, at all and will realistically Only Make the Body Much Heavier (where you Don't really want it to be) and Far less Pliable/flexible,.. as Does the 'concept' of Not actually 'Cutting Out' the Wheel Arches as such.
I must admit I have Never really Liked that 'Look' as such and whilst it May Help regarding avoiding the kind of Problem Brad is commenting on, am Not overly convinced it Works all that well 'Handling Wise' on these cars.
I am I must admit rather Amazed at How MUCH Tape some people have On their bodies and would suggest they could Work and Handle Much Better Without so Much tape applied !!
Anyway,.. Just my thoughts
Re: Front Wheels
Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2018 5:15 pm
by SlotBaker
Fence sitting = 10/10.
Sorry but can't agree with not cutting out the front wheel arches, and going clear to see the wheels.
They didn't do that back 'in the day',,,, the days that we are replicating.
I know I'm being an old fart stick in the mud, but I would love to retain as much purity of the original concept for as long as possible.
I find it interesting that Retro has been going for 12 years in the USA, and 10 here.
How long did each of you guys race back in your hayday?
I know there's a couple, but I bet there's not many who race 10 years or more.
I can relate to your sentiment, and don't for one second think you are being disrespectfull.
Everybody has a different perspective on what's important for them to do anything.
One thing is for sure, we all want to have fun!!!
I accepted a rule set and raced flexi cars for 15 odd years, while not liking what was an acceptable legal car (appearance wise), I still had fun. Great people, great tracks (Liverpool & SSME) and evenly competitive cars.
Changing the rules to allow smaller front wheels, won't stop me from wanting to race (I have other issues doing that), so I would go along with the majority of current racers, even tho I don't like it.
If, by making this (or any other) change, keeps racers interested, and prolongs our racing, that can't be a bad thing.
Brad, if the rules remained unchanged, would that stop you from racing?
Re: Front Wheels
Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2018 7:33 pm
by brady
I'm bloody sure it would NOT stop me Steve.Like I said its a request not a mission.I dont disagree with any Retro rule I'm just trying to improve one and theres no advantage gained here.Like you I have raced many classes and probaby did not like the rules for 20% of them.I had my say then shut up and raced. Neil I cant go for a clear wheel arch because the wheel would rub the body although I have seen 1 or 2 bodies this year with wheel stickers on them.Which is not right.I do agree with Steve we must stick to Retro.Regards Brad.
Re: Front Wheels
Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2018 8:07 pm
by SlotBaker
Brad, yeah, I've seen those wheel stickers too, and made comments to the owners, but they said the cars passed tech, one guy took heed and cut the wheel wells out, the other shrugged his shoulders and raced.
Which bodies are the main trouble makers, as far as the front wheels go?
Re: Front Wheels
Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 9:01 am
by ozproducts
Leave the rules as they are, BUT something has to be done about people running ball bearing front wheels
Re: Front Wheels
Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 9:08 am
by stoo23
BUT something has to be done about people running ball bearing front wheels
So IF I have 'read' that 'Right',.. you are 'suggesting' that people ARE actually running BB Front Wheels !!??
Re: Front Wheels
Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 9:50 am
by Mark Fox
Two questions:-
Who is running bb’s in the front wheels?
How many races have they won with them?
Re: Front Wheels
Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 10:29 am
by dtslot
I think we should not change the rules,,even though we all have been dismayed when those arch cracks appear,,,,,answer is to go slower like me and crash less,,,,if only !!!! I still use bodies myself and as loaners that are over 9 years old,,with splits and cracks,,and they still perform well,,,especially when Jason is driving,,,,just don't look as good.. I don't like any rule changes to Retro, every time there is a change,we just get further away from the original,,and that is sad in my opinion..,,,just my 2 cents worth, Darryl
Re: Front Wheels
Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 10:33 am
by SlotBaker
As far as I'm aware, ball bearings are not allowed anywhere in the car.
I'll check the regs.