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What have I done

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 8:38 pm
by CAB77
I have started building my first D3 car. It is only with a JK Kit but the plan is to build one from scratch next. This is a big step for dedicated flexi racer.

Re: What have I done

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 8:54 pm
by stoo23
Hey Adrian,..Great to Hear it !!

The JK kits can be built in Many ways,..a quick look around Keith Tanaka's site or SlotBlog, sure proves that,..Plus the ones I have driven, seem to go rather well, even when built in the Simple 'Spec' style.

I hope it goes well and is enjoyable and 'Inspirational' to drive !!,

Post some Piccies when done!

Must admit I was lamenting Not doing any On Line racing in the Enduros, whilst watching LeMans over the weekend,..I meant to ring Vance and say Hi, a surprise !!

MUST get the racing PC back together :D