DRAFT Updated Retro Regulations (incl RETRO PRO)

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Mark Fox
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Joined: Mon Feb 09, 2009 11:11 am
Location: Balmain, Sydney

Re: DRAFT Updated Retro Regulations (incl RETRO PRO)

Post by Mark Fox »

Sorry to take so long on finalising all this this but here goes.
brady wrote:the original regs on the Aussie Retro Site point 5 says the entire front tyre patch must contact the track.Does this mean the front tyers have to contact the tech block during scrutineering?If so are we still useing this rule?I need enlightenment here.Would it also apply to the pro class?
SlotBaker wrote:think the checks are meant to be done with the guide clear, so that the car is resting on all 4 wheels. ie, test block needs cut out to clear the guide
Steve you are correct in how the spec is checked - the block needs a cut-out or the guide is over the edge of the block for checking of clearances etc as per Reg CA-1c. Thus the four wheels need to support the car to the extent of the required clearance.

As far as the contact patch goes it was always the case that the width of the front wheel had to make at least the minimum tire width of contact EXCEPTING for a small allowance to provide for rounding of the tire edges. In reality with a tire minimum width of 0.225" which has then been rounded it would leave a contact patch of about 0.150". Is this going to be measured - not likely - however if the tire has been cut to a knife edge or cone then the car fails tech.

WRT RetroPro "o" rings are allowed so in theory there is only a single contact point required but again the four wheels must support the car to the minimum clearance required.

I hope this is all clear and I have updated the Regs to help clarify the issue at Reg CA-5a.
Regards - Mark 8-)

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