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Post by SlotBaker »

bulsara wrote:Appreciate your comments. From a newbie's point of view what is the difference between a "scale" track and the one in Dandenong?
il cavalino wrote:Not sure what makes a track "scale" as there are all supposed to be 1/24th scale but I think what Garry is referring to is a smaller track with a few more corners and not as many or not so long straights, which seem to suit the "scale" car better.

The Kingleman and Blue King tracks were built more for wing cars and flexi kars.

Hope that explains the difference.

King Willy
I think that is part of it, plus a "scale" track is usually flat with little or no banking, just like Hornsby's small track and the WSMCR one.
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Post by Garry J »

Well, without being critical of MR, I found that driving the Group C car on the Kingleman was a little boring, even in sprint races, and I wouldn't want to do an enduro with these cars. You have 4 corners that are all much the same with a good rest between each of them, the long straights accentuate the lack of pace, and there's too much emphasis on horsepower which is a lottery in these classes. On the other hand it's a great track for flexis or any of the fast sedan classes.

The Group C hardbody car on Hornsby's flat track is a real challenge with less emphasis on motor and more emphasis on car setup and driving.

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Post by stoo23 »

Look,..this is Just a thought, in regard I guess, Especially Because of the Nature of the Beasts!,

As has been Noted by Many, the 1/32 Home Set style Plastic cars Are Extremely Popular, with All ages and it's Hard to argue Against the Extremely Good Fun Value that many of them Provide.

As can also be easily seen from the Many posts on the various Aussie Forums, there Obviously is a Huge Group of people Racing these cars at Various Home Built Raceways Almost everywhere across all States, That Along with the fact that To almost any family Group, there is some Fun value attainable, in both watching and participating.

Is it Worth considering perhaps a Very Publicly 'Positioned' "Model Car Nationals", Held at either some Huge 'Existing' Major Event, or (although Possibly Harder to arrange), a Specially Located "Event", on some Tracks Assembled Specifically for the Event.

I say this as I had 'Posted' elsewhere, a Picture of One of the Tracks that Eddie Shorer and a few others have been setting up at the San Diego Annual Fair, which Runs for about a Week, Similar to Our Royal Easter Show etc.

The Thread at SlotBlog here; ... ntry256207

I was thinking Just How Suitable an Event like this Could Easily and I Imagine agreeably 'Sit' with say the V8Supercars Event at Homebush.
With the Available cars from Scalextric, Perhaps even a Sponsored/Charity real Drivers Event could be arranged, thus Giving the Event/Slot Racing Increased public Coverage.

Being over a Number of days would allow various events to Occur and If setup and Number of Tracks allow, then, the Public Could Also have a Chance to Run.

The Event Pete Hopkins built a Track for Recently was a Good Example of a Public, Yet Competitive event, that apparently was Hugely Successful.

One can't Help but feel that at a Very Public Event, With Cars that People Can Instantly recognise etc, and Here this Goes for the Scale 1/32 Plastic cars AND the various Very Scale Plafit Classes.
As we all Know the 'Walk in off the Street Guy Can 'Associate' with what is Recognisable!,..something that Does Not Happen with Joe 'Average' with Wing Cars.

Some of the Major Euro Races are and have often been held in Very Public Venues, and Yes ofcourse JPV's Money has Often Been involved,..But I'm sure there is Some Yards to be Gained and Offered here that people Like Tony Cochrane could not fail to see and Understand, Especially as we Won't be asking for any Money 'Per-Se', One would Imagine that the V8Supercars Involvement in Any event with the Little cars and Our Event with Theirs as such Could/Should be a Win/Win for All concerned.

Heck it's Just a Crazy Idea, but One I think Well Worth considering, as Then one Could really Make a Noise about the event and Maybe get a Lot of the More 'Closet' Home racers Out for a Particularly Major Event.

Finally, On that point, being the Quantity of People Who Race the Kind of cars raced at The MCN,..How Come all those people on the Forums Didn't/Haven't Been involved?,'s Not like they could have been Unaware of the Event !!!

If people are really Serious about this Idea, having been Involved with Many Large Corporate events, I would Be happy to Help Make it Happen in whatever way I could,...being an A/V guy perhaps I could 'assist' in the PA/Vision for the Event and or Try to 'Scab' what was needed.

As I said, Just some Ideas.



Post by bulsara »

Sounds way too big for me. I like my poor skills to be restricted to small groups. LOL. Honestly I would not attend.
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Post by stoo23 »

Well,..Being as well a Race as a Public Event,..perhaps Not All racing (for the MCN) necessarily Has to be done under the Public Gaze as such.

As I said, it was Just an Idea,..but Hey, even IF it Was Public,..what's to be embarrassed about in Any way?,..All the rcers Would be Virtually be 'Invisible' to the General Public, whose 'Focus' I am Sure,..Would be on the Cars !!

Anyway, perhaps If an event like this Did hppen, it May prove more Financially 'Fruitfull', to Have a Pay to Play, OR perhaps Use it as a Sort of Trade Event, whereby The various 'Interested parties Could Perhaps all Combine,..With People from various States representing Their State as far as Info with Plenty of Cards/brochures for people to 'Find' Slotting Centres in their Own State etc.

We used to participate in a similar fashion in the Pet Expo, By setting up Display Tanks and 'Manning' the Booths to Provide Info about Australian Native Fish.

It's hard Work, Yes, but with a Combined Effort?,...One could possibly even Envisage perhaps a Travelling Circus that may even 'Tour' with the V8Supercars, to be Able to represent in All States!?? Or atleast Rotate Venues Each Year to Coincide with Similarly Suitable events.

I dunno, we All know Home set cars Are Huge and there is a Huge Public 'Out There', but one doesn't Often actually 'See' them all or even many of them at Commercial 1/24th Raceways.

Anyway, if None of the Above, then One Really MUST Try and get More of the Racers that Compete so Seriously in their Own Series using probably Identically Specc'd cars to these events,..It Could/Should be Huge.

Maybe a more 'Themed' Concept might work.
There was a Lot of talk re the SCX Nascars this time around,..Maybe Fewer Classes, with perhaps More of an Emphasis on A Few Particular Classes,
Like a Real Serious Amount of as an example say Group C cars,..there are heaps to choose from and white Kits, so Liveries Could be widely varied etc,..Perhaps racing Emulating and Counting for a Race similar to the Current GT cars, allowing Many Scalextric cars etc or a Focus on LMP's /GT's for a Race like LeMans,..heck, Just some ideas,.
If say it was decided What cars/Brands etc were to be run at The Next years event at the Conclusion of the Last by a Vote/racers choice selection etc from Current or Proposed events, then All interested Parties would have a Year to get cars.

One could Imagine a Lot of Interest and Fun could be generated with some cartrix cars at say a Vintage or HSRCC event !!


I DO remember atleast One event Way back in the Old days at G&D, that had 136 entries All in the Same Class,.."Opens" !!!
it started at 8.00am and ended at 2.30am !!!
Those were the days !!,
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Post by lu05ke »

I like a few of the ideas Stewart has put forward to be honest.
I do think the event should be stand alone tho and possibly at a neutral complex with custom made track/tracks for the event. (No home track advantage)
I could imagine if it was in conjunction with the V8's that Tony would probably sting us with $50 entry prices to get into the ground after we have had a 3km walk with our boxes from the parking lot lol.
Anyways... I would think for example holding the Nats at maybe Eastern Creeks corporate suites above the pits may work. Great view giving you the real race track feeling, plenty of parking directly in the pits and the suites have plenty of room so some exibitors could set up if interested. Plus all have a/c so wouldnt matter the time of year or the weather.
Get say someone like the local Lions club in with the food wagon for cheap eats and possibly a small ad from time to time in auto action could be a goer too!
I'm not really sure how the Nats are run but maybe a dedicated 5 member board or something resembling a member from each state/territory and a stand alone website containing all relevant information could be of great help?
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Post by Garry J »

Excellent, please don't forget to send me details of dates, venues, rules, entry fees, etc.

I look forward to your correspondence.

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Post by stoo23 »

I would think for example holding the Nats at maybe Eastern Creeks corporate suites above the pits may work. Great view giving you the real race track feeling, plenty of parking directly in the pits and the suites have plenty of room so some exibitors could set up if interested. Plus all have a/c so wouldnt matter the time of year or the weather.
That's actually an Excellent Idea.

One would Imagine the New Management at Lakeside Trying to Re-Create the family aspect of the Place in general would possibly be interested.

Hey Craig Lowndes is already a Scalextric Sponsored driver is he Not, there are a Few Others,..AFX as well.

Heck They Are Just Ideas!,..Something that seems Very 'Thin on the Ground' Around here !!

If an event like this Was Organised, a fashion similar to what I am used to in Non Slotting Events, then I doubt anyone would be 'Left in the dark' about the Event Dates/Schedule or Costs,..But ofcourse,..for a Truly Effective And successful event like this to happen, would require Very Good Planning, with an Agreed Team of people who Were Committed and as Noted, would probably require quite a bit of co-operation, between members and States etc.
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Post by stoo23 »

As an example, HSC has already had some connection with the FOSC, an Independant group that Run Sports cars and some Historics and are Very well organised. The 1956 Cooper Bobtail that I 'posted' photos of, that Lives downstairs, Ran in the recent FOSC event at Bathurst, so along with HSC, there Is a Connection there.

The Porsche Club have regular meetings at HSC, I would Imagine a Whole Bunch of suitably 'attired' Plafit cars with 997 GT3 bodies would Prove a very Popular Option for them.

The Mustang Owners Club also Use the Place.

My thoughts on the concept of 'Combining' Real and Slot events, is mainly a Budgetary thing, if it can be arranged so as to Provide event holders like V8Supercars a Viable promotional activity then it would mean Some cash Flow, whereas a Separately Held Slotting Only event would Require Slotting ONLY to Provide the Cash and Without Heaps of Extra Joe Publics just happening by.

ONLY Slotters will go to a Slotting event,..Unless it's held in martin Place !!!,..Which is also do-able, I DO have good Contacts with the "City of Sydney" As Well as Customs House, which has Both the Large Spaces On the Ground Floor, Plus the Barnett-Long Room upstairs!!, Let Alone the ForeCourt!

I would Imagine a Serious Event held Somewhere Publicly at DockSide would be Viable as well !!

Like I say,..Just Ideas,..but as I say, even though I don't Actively Race these cars, if there IS Interest in trying to make an event like this Happen, then I Am happy to Put Up My Hand to Help make it happen in whatever ways I can.

As Gary perhaps So aptly Put It,.."I await your Communications",....

I guess it's really up to those More Seriously Involved,..I Have NO vested interests angles or Axes to grind.

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Post by Tony.A »

These are all very good ideas stoo and i would be willing to support it depending on of course finances and what classes are going to be run and the time of the year that it is going to be held.Apart from some of the reasons previously given for poor entries at the MCN as well as atthe Adam Miller and other major race meetings held recently as there are some racers who would prefer to be a big fish in a small pond and be dominant in their weekly club racing rather than really testing how good they really are for fear of failure.Also some racers are scared off from competing in these bigger race meetings as they feel that they would not be competing on a level playing field.
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Post by lu05ke »

I'm guessing a spare $10k and a corporate sponser wouldn't go astray for starters.
Does anyone own the rights to the ''Model Car Nationals"?
... and how did the concept first come about?
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Post by Garry J »

Nobody owns the rights to the 'Model Car Nationals' and no one can claim them. The name is too generic, is just a description, and has already been in general use.

JPVR claimed he had the rights to the 'slot car worlds championships' (or something similar) for many years until he was challenged and the house of cards collapsed.

Of course this is contrary to right wing thinking. There are some who won't be happy until every particle in the universe wears a corporate logo.

An interesting point here with patents.
Since corporations are claiming patents on parts of the human genome, do I have to pay royalties on my children?
Or on the other hand can I charge those corporations for the care and upkeep of their property which was left with me unbidden. I'm bloody sure they don't have a purchase order from me?
Can I take them back and get a refund if they're not fit for the purpose and what warranty do I have?
Does anyone have the number for the Monsanto service department?

Sorry guys, just thinking aloud.

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Post by stoo23 »

You Know,..the Answer to What Might be the Problem With the Model Car Nat's,..Might be linked in some way,..that in This Thread,..11 people have made a Total of 27 Posts, but the Thread has been Viewed 334 Times !!!

I wonder what the Other 300 odd people Think!!???
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Post by SlotBaker »

stoo23 wrote:I wonder what the Other 300 odd people Think!!???[/b]
Just watchin'.

It's probably not right for someone to comment on something, if they are not involved.
Steve King
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Post by lu05ke »

Maybe it might just be better to run maybe bigger ''state events'' with classes designed to accommodate what the local drivers are already racing?
Things like this would eliminate interstate travel but still leave the option open for interstate racers to come compete if they are interested and have the budget.
Who knows really, just another suggestion but NSW Scale Masters & Victorian Scale Masters have a nice ring to it.
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