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Re: 2017 SRC - Round #2

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2017 2:59 pm
by Mark Fox
Another Angle

Get eight 8 builders willing to front a car.

Have them 'find' a driver or 2.

Equals 8X2 man teams at a minimum.

Track time at HSC is $10 an hour.

Hire the track for 4 hours at cost of $40 - $20 each (for a two man team - we currently pay $20 for 32 mins racing and practice) at a time convenient to James and the Racers

Have a 4 hour enduro - its all too easy

We have: -
Wayne and Cody
Mark and (Hey Brad - wanna race with me?)

Paul and Bill
Steve King

etc - lets work on it

Should definatly limit it to 8 teams only - a round robin will add hours and I reckon round robin is **** as you never know how you are going

Re: 2017 SRC - Round #2

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2017 3:40 pm
by SlotBaker
Brad, I saw your thread, but not sure if or how often Ron frequents this forum.
I sent him an email this morning, asking him to chime in, but we need to sort out if and where we could run the race.

Re: 2017 SRC - Round #2

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2017 4:25 pm
by neiljb
If you didn't see my previous- I am in. Just tell me when to show up.
In either capacity. As a captain or a driver.
Team 3

Re: 2017 SRC - Round #2

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2017 8:26 pm
by Ron Griffin
Im in
What ever you guys come up with.

Re: 2017 SRC - Round #2

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2017 10:13 pm
by brady
Ron, we will need someone from SSME to get a date and time for us.I think we will have the numbers but we will need someone get it going.Thanks Brad.PS could everybody please go to new thread SSME Enduro for anymore on this topic,this is getting a bit all over the place.Thanks.