Slotworx Porsche Rule Changes

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Garry J
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Slotworx Porsche Rule Changes

Post by Garry J »

Hi All,

As we're at the end of the year it might be a good time to talk about the Slotworx Porsche rules.

Some background. During Covid I could not purchase some of the materials to make the Slotworx GenI chassis, particularly the aluminium sheet required for H and T plates. The decision was made to switch to carbon fibre as I have experience with it, and it was still readily available. This also required a rethink of the front axle mounts and not being set up to make aluminium mounts at the time I chose to make 3D printed mounts with independent axles. With the complexity of assembling the 3D printed mounts I also took the decision to abandon the kits and switch to assembled chassis. This also enabled me to ensure that the GenII chassis were assembled correctly to minimise any problems and backlash over the change. I also offered GenI to GenII upgrade kits which proved very popular to the point where there are probably very few GenI chassis out there now. I have since developed the ability to produce aluminium axle mounts in a cost effective manner and new GenII chassis are supplied with aluminium mounts and a solid carbon fibre front axle as standard. Independent 3D printed mounts and stub axles are still available on request.

As a result of the changes the GenII chassis is significantly lighter than the GenI, but with the majority of chassis in circulation being GenI the minimum weight of 160 grams was maintained requiring 20 plus grams of lead to be added to the chassis to bring it up to weight.

So here we are with a new year ahead of us, and with most of the GenI chassis falling by the wayside, should we change the minimum weight? After discussions with a few knowledgeable people the following changes have been proposed for the National rules.

Minimum weight of car with body - 145 grams
Only GenII chassis allowed.
No mixed parts as GenI parts are no longer available.

Note these changes only apply to events run under the National rules.

Any thoughts?

Garry J
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Mark Fox
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Re: Slotworx Porsche Rule Changes

Post by Mark Fox »

New version of Regs now available under the 'National Classes and Rules' section of the forum.


In Summary.

Min Weight has been reduced for Short can and Long can builds.
A mix of Gen 1 and Gen 2 parts may still be utilised

Regards - Mark 8-)

"Do Less with More Focus"
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