After it looking like we might Not even be able to get enough Teams to run the last Retro Enduro for 2019 at SSME, we ended up getting a Full compliment of 2 man teams along with 3 Extra Drivers !!!
We even had a couple of New drivers who had the chance to have a run and I must say, (considering their Lack of Experience), acquitted themselves Very well amongst such a group of very Fast and capable drivers.
I think it both fair and arguably true to say that this was one of the most competitive and evenly matched Enduro's we have had.
As can be seen from the Race Sheets and Analysis, the Individual and team lap times and totals were All very close and the members of the teams quite Well matched.
I have to say I was very pleasantly surprised to get the call from Brad regarding his interest to have a run with me in this race, (as we had last year), especially as we haven't seen much of Brad this past year, so was great that he was keen to team up and have a run.
Having had such a close run and finish in the last SSME enduro (as team FASTUFF with Mark Fox), being chased very hard by the Baxters and figuring that Casey & Shalin (Shake & Bake), would also be strong contenders, let alone the eventual 'combo', of Kenny & Darryl, I suggested to Brad as we were driving out that whilst we May manage to get a podium place, I could certainly Not guarantee a Win !!!,..(can one Ever ??) lol
We arrived slightly later than we had initially intended to, but still more than early enough to do some relatively relaxed testing / Practice etc.
I had brought Both of the cars as the last time I ran with Brad, to see which one felt better / quicker 'on the day'.
We had an OK run last time with the somewhat recalcitrant Newer chassis of mine but even though Brad was happy with it, I have not been (and in fact am Still Not), convinced of it's 'Virtues', if indeed it even has Any,.. lol
As has so often been the case, it was My Good Old stand-by (Very Old School) chassis, often referred to by myself and Mark, as "Old Faithful", that once again proved to be the chassis of choice 'for the day', as much like everywhere I have run it, it simply just 'Works', has No inherent Vices and is very forgiving and stable. Simply one of those chassis that just Works straight off the bench,.. without the need for Any 'lead',,.. Plus Brad suggested he felt rather 'confident' with it, so the choice was ultimately an Easy one

Scrutineering was once again capably handled by Darryl and lane Choice made by Draw and quite surprisingly, We drew Starting on Blue to finish on Purple, which Is a pretty good lane choice / rotation.
The Race:
Amazingly, I managed to get a 'Pearler' of a start and grabbed a slight advantage over the rest of the field and was ever so slightly Pleased to hear some general mayhem and crashing happening behind me a few times in the early stages lol, which I rather happily avoided and managed to have quite a good 'run', setting some pleasingly Quick lap times, allowing us to gain a handy Advantage by the time I handed over to Brad.
It was already fairly obvious from the whole field's lap times and totals, that it was (So far), looking Very even and very close, (and as can be seen from the race Sheets), so it proved to be All day.
Considering his recent lack of track time, I was pleased to see Brad settle into a nice race Pace and rhythm, allowing him to increase our initial lead but it was All very close behind us, with very Few laps between 2nd & 3rd, with Gangster starting very strongly a lap Up on The Baxters heading into the 2nd bracket.
Brad and I managed to maintain our lead in the 2nd bracket, with Casey & Shalin moving into 2nd, once again a mere Lap ahead of the very consistent Baxters but with Kenny and Darryl having a very good run, moving up from 5th to be 3rd and on the same lap as the Baxters and Only 1 lap up on Shake & Bake,.. like I suggested,.. it was all Very Close !!
Kenny and Darryl continued their progression in the 3rd bracket, managing to Slowly but surely claw back Our advantage, to eventually finish the 3rd bracket before lunch, with a 2 lap lead over us.
Virtually All the other places had changed with Gangster racing still doing a great job and being Only 1 lap down on Shake & Bake, the Baxters a few extra laps behind and All of the teams being in the 1,400 lap area at the half way point with even Danial & Wazza doing a good job and whilst a few laps down, Still managing to turn some impressively Quick lap times,.. as was everyone !!
At the Lunch Break, there were ONLY 11 Laps separating 1st through 4th !!,.. Talk about Close !!!
It has to be said that it was at times difficult to remain 'Focused' on the racing, heading towards the Lunch break, as the smell of Sausages on the 'barbie' was somewhat of a distraction,
Whilst Red and White Aren't the Quickest lanes around SSME,.. I just had the feeling that Our motor may have slightly 'Lost the Edge' that it had at the start and having had a number of previous runs with Foxy when Our motor has Slowed towards the closing stages, decided that a Motor change during the Lunch break was a Prudent thing to do,.. to be sure, to be sure, as the Irish say,.. lol
Once again,.. a very relaxed and enjoyable Lunch Break, was had by all,.. with the typically Yummy Snag' Sangers capably cooked and prepared by Amanda, providing much needed sustenance for us all

The day was also turning out to be a lovely warm day, with bright Blue skys and light puffy clouds about and was (especially in the latter stages of the day), quite surprising Just How Warm the Wall behind the drivers was, being almost like standing in front of a very large radiator !!,.. lol
So after a pleasant lunch break, we set off for the 2nd half of the race.
Kenny & Darryl drove a strong and settled bracket to slightly extend their lead over Brad & myself by another lap, with Gangster experiencing a few difficulties and the initial signs of a Slowing Motor, allowing the Baxters to move back into 4th, chasing Shake & Bake.
The 5th bracket, saw a Very Strong & impressive Drive by both Kenny and Darryl doing the Highest lap total of the day on Blue, of 501 laps and slightly extending their advantage over us by 2 more laps ending the bracket 5 laps up,... BUT,.. as Kenny suggested after the bracket,.. there was Very 'Little' in it and we were very evenly matched and both had great 'runs', the difference between us perhaps merely being that they were on Blue and we were on Yellow.
The Baxters had a Very strong run on Green allowing them to get a bit closer to Shake & Bake, there being Only 7 laps in it at the end of the bracket.
Gangster seemed to have sorted their earlier 'issues' and put in a good bracket, with Daniel & Wazza still motoring along well if but slightly Off the general Pace of the rest of the field, but doing quite good lap totals and similar lap times to everyone.
By this stage of the race, I think everyone was nicely 'settled' and relaxed and some very fast & clean racing occurred, with many laps spent with NO De-Slots and some great Side by Side racing and close circulating pacing with each other, which was very enjoyable

So heading into the last bracket, we were on Purple, which if you have a good car can be a Very Quick lane and Kenny & Darryl were on White, which allowed me to think that even If we did Not actually catch them, it was Sure going to be damn Close,
As it eventually turned out, Our car was Fantastic to drive on Purple and whilst neither Brad OR myself had Many off's and Unforced errors during the day, we both managed to drive a 'Perfect Bracket', absolutely 'stonkering' around even If I do say so myself,..I Know I did not come off and I am pretty sure neither did Brad

Within a few laps, I realized I was actually catching Kenny, relatively easily and after I had recovered a few laps began to think this Might Not be a Done thing and that there May be a Slim Chance of Stealing a Victory in the closing stages.
By the time I handed the car over to Brad, I had managed to regain the Deficit and even get a slender 3 lap lead, which Brad Most capably maintained until the end.
Sadly Gangster racing had further Motor & I think Body issues during the Bracket and eventually 'called it a day', being Non runners at the end and only turning 92 laps,.. Bad luck guys.
Meanwhile, the Baxters were storming home, having had great runs on Green and now Yellow, with both Andrew & Wayne spending most of the bracket just pounding around within a few feet of us on Purple and with Casey & Shalin running White & Red, allowed them to eventually get ahead and finish 10 laps up.
Daniel & Wazza were still motoring along well at the end and will I am sure benefit from such a good run and be even stronger next time out.
At the close of racing it proves Just How Close the whole days racing was, with a mere 40 laps between 1st and 4th !!
Fantastic stuff and some damn Fine, Fast and Clean racing All day, along with a Lot of friendly Fun & Banter, making for another pleasant race and general Social outing.
Once again,.. thanks Must go out to all those from SSME and to Ron for all the effort and track 'Prep and Amanda for the Food.
All in all a really great days racing, as is So often the case at this venerable venue and track.
Also thanks must also go to Greg Erskine for his Excellent marshalling once again

Sincere thanks to all who turned up to race and a Very Special Thank you to my Occasional team mate Brad, who quite Honestly did a fantastic job of driving all day, turning in some great lap totals and very quick lap times,.. Thanks Brad !!

Hopefully the Long Tradition of Enduro's can and Will continue at SSME moving forward, even if Nowhere else,.. I for one Will be keen and looking forward to any / many more similarly pleasant and competitive events like those we have already had at SSME in the past.