Wing 10
Wing 10 (They go bang when they hit the wall)...
Hi Racers,
First you will need a body that will clear the hardware hanging off a D can motor.

Bearing in can, light springs no shunts, 5X5 wings, 75g min, Koford WH or Alpha WM tires.

Small dia arm with 40*+ 9/39,-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Big dia arm with 30*- 11/39

1. Get your W12 car
2. take your motor out
3. find a Super 16D motor
4. Solder motor in
5. HAVE FUN!!!

First you will need a body that will clear the hardware hanging off a D can motor.

Bearing in can, light springs no shunts, 5X5 wings, 75g min, Koford WH or Alpha WM tires.

Small dia arm with 40*+ 9/39,-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Big dia arm with 30*- 11/39

1. Get your W12 car
2. take your motor out
3. find a Super 16D motor
4. Solder motor in
5. HAVE FUN!!!

Get out there and have fun...!
Racer X