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Post by FC RACING »

F.C. Racing Products
now has available the following products

Synthetic oil Retail $5.50

Viper Venom Braid Juice Retail $4.90

Precision Abec 5 2mmx5mmx1.5mm Bearings Retail $7.00

WE also have empty oiler bottles Retail $2.50

Oil and Braid comes in a 50mm bottle same with the empty bottles

As we are the OEM Raceways can purchase these products at the full raceway discount.
WE can also offer a discount to racers buying bearings in lot of 10 or more

Also TFC bodies can now be purchased in .007 or .010 thickness
Viper venom Braid Juice
Viper venom Braid Juice
Picture 544 (Small).jpg (18.52 KiB) Viewed 8531 times
Hi speed Synthetic oil
Hi speed Synthetic oil
Picture 543 (Small).jpg (20.65 KiB) Viewed 8531 times
2mm X 5mm Bearings
2mm X 5mm Bearings
Picture 542 (Small).jpg (30.19 KiB) Viewed 8531 times
Always the Hydrant, Never the Dog
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