Thanks for that Info about the Armatures Chadly, I was wondering What All the Noise was about.
I have heard of That style of Wind, but to Call it a Double as such, is somewhat Misleading.
I know many RC Guys have experimented with Various Winds like that, Often With differing 'Patterns' and Placement of the Winds.
To be Honest, I think I'd have to have a 'chat' with Hutcho, to try and Work out Just What advantage/disadvantage, If Any winding an arm that way would cause/provide,..I am Sure MANY 'Claims' have been made !!

As far as I am aware, even from the Original NCC Specs,..Group arms are 'described' as being "Single, Series wound", so there Could be arguments in Both directions over an arm made That way !!,
Coaltrain,... Nice Looking Motors there Bud !!,..

Please Note, Have Now gotten me into One of MY 'Pet' Subjects!!,,..Just ask GaryJ, or Fox,
May I say,..Up Front, I am Intrigued by this Modern 'Fascination' with Multi Segment Magnet Motors, IMHO there are Many reasons for their 'Adoption' en-masse, that May NOT Necessarily be Purely because of Performance ONLY.
That being said,..apart from the Obvious 'Proper and Correct' Period of coverage, provided by Magnets arrayed like that, it does,..Especially with the Segments You have assembled Provide a True Radial Arrangement,..very Nice.
True Radial arrays and Magnets Are actually a Rare thing !!, as you are probably also aware,
As to Multi Segments, I am surprised people haven't 'Played' with the Placement and Sizes of the Individual Pieces of the Array!
In the Worl of Super High Efficiency Flight Motors, (as used for Launching in Hi Level World Model Sailplane Flying), there were some Truly Amazing Cobalt Motors some Years Back, That Used 'Spaced' Pieces of Varying Thickness and Section, within the Arc of Each Pole!!,..A concept that has always Intrigued me.
Sure They were Multi Pole armatures,..BUT, You Drag guys Might be Aware,..there is a Lot of Torque and Power to be Had,..For Free,..if One can Provide Very Controlled and Adequate Field return and You 'Look After' the 'Collapsing Field' as it were!!
If one Looks at the Moving 'Dynamic' Field Effects of a Rotating 3 pole armature, some Very Interesting 'Anomolies' as it were Occur, and it Could possibly be argued, that one Does Not Need Full Constant Thickness/Power/Section of Magnet Forming the 'Arc' of each Pole!!
Historically, Magnets used in the Motors for Slot cars, Weren't very Strong and were basically Copid from what was pretyy much Standard Industro Electrical Practice and Science,..But That was Before Super rare earth Magnets availability to the average slot car dude,..ROFL
I and perhaps many Others here would argue that perhaps in some classes the cars have been Over Magnetted !!!, and with the Silly Era of Small Narrow magnet sections Hopefully Well behind us,..Non Chernobyl Motors are Once again Possible !!!,
I Really think some Interesting 'Left Field' thinking could be applied here, with the Kind of Coercivity we have available to us these days !!!
When I find the Beautiful little File I have of the Armature Filed, I will Post it,..Be patient,
As to My Motors,..OK,..just went and took some Pics of What is left.
All up, we had about 8 or 10 sets as I recall, we sold a Pair to Mike Thorby and to Gary Bell, in Fact I was Happy to sell them to Anyone who had the $80.00 the Set Cost me to Produce.
Mark and Myself, with Guidance and lengthy technical discussions with Hutcho and Some Lovely Can Cutting and Machining etc, (He actually did the 'Final CUT' to Separate Our Magnetic Chunk into Separate Pieces for 'Shaping'.
I Must mention here, the Help and Machining done by this strange chap I found down at Manly Vale, he made some RC stuff, but was seriously into Magnets and had some Fantastic Tooling.
He initially Machined the 'BAR' stock, into our Basic Ideal Shape, He managed to do Both the Inside and Outside Radii, whilst leaving it as One Long Hollow Piece!
It was perhaps arguably somewhat Wasteful, but he had a use for the remnants, so did it very cheap for me and the Finish was Exceptional !!
The Magnet guys were Impressed !!,
I always thought the 'term' for the Machining, was 'Traperning', but I am obviously Wrong, as I just tried looking that word up,..ROFL
We had about 3 or 4 'Variants', with Thickness/Length behind the centre and Both Widening and Narrowing Arcs of the magnet as it wrapped around the arm,..the Photos will help in understanding what I mean.
My favourite Motor, which Had Extreme Pole Coverage,..the gap between the Tops of Each magnet being Very Close!,..NO Other Motors have Ever had the Field Coverage these Magnets provided!! With the radial orientation, the Motors were as Smooth as Silk in Commutation,..Just as we had surmised !!
So Basically we had Short and Thick in the centre, with Widening /Length, towards the Tips and Long and fat in the centre and Narrowing at the Tips.
Along with Varying Tip Edge Shapes and radii.
As the Magnets seemed to really Upset a certain Growing faction at the time who In My Opinion evebntually Destroyed Group 20's as they were, They were Banned, by the association, when they Ruined the Group 20 class as i had been know and went to ceramics, and Oilites!,..Sigh,.."Bastards,..You Killed Group 20 !!",..

Anyway,..because they ended up having a shorter use by date than I had envisaged, we didn't continue with the 'Science' of it as such, Our Initial 'beliefs' were Confirmed,..and Then Some !!1,

We did have a Few of them!,

When we decided to do the Magnets, This was what Everyone Else was running !!

Not Much Magnet Eh?,..Nice Cans though. A magnetically Sensible Design as such.

This is a a Standard Style of Cut, of Our Magnets, in a Standard Can.

And These, are Where we Went !!,

And Here is Just One Example of One of the Shapes, Just Happened to Be Lose.

And if You Look VERY Carefully, May Notice Another Interesting AND Effective arrangement, with the Shape !!,..